Thursday, 7 December 2017

Yummy Snacks

Whether you're looking for a party snack, a crispy to munch or some quick light bites to perk up your day, you'll find them all here. Treat your taste buds to some delicious, all-weather recipes from our 'yummy snacks' section. You'll love making them - and of course, eating them too!

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

safe babyhood

Babies need extra attention when it comes to keeping them safe and healthy. Here's how to care for you baby - from caring for twins, preventing cot death to tips to baby-proof your home.

Constipation during pregnancy

Constipation is a fairly common problem among pregnant women. Research shows that it affects nearly 50% of expecting moms – predominantly during the first and third trimester. Though it does not harm the baby in any way, it can cause a lot of abdominal discomfort due to associated problems like heart burn, bloating and indigestion.
Constipation can be tackled with simple natural remedies. However, most women find it embarrassing to talk about it and end up suffering in silence.

Health and Fitness

Exercising during pregnancy has a lot of benefits. Besides keeping you fit and active, it can help drive your health problems away. But exercising right is important too. What are the safe exercises you can do? Plus get a lowdown on weight training and the many benefits of yoga during pregnancy.

Nutrition and diet

Eating nutritious foods and exercising during pregnancy is essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. Here are some guidelines for following a healthy diet during pregnancy, top foods to avoid, importance of taking your prenatal vitamins and an overview to healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

The Cost Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an expensive affair. Find tips on smart budgeting. Planning your maternity expenses, smart buying and budgeting for baby.As you prepare for the birth of baby, there are many things you need to plan ahead - maternity leave, post-pregnancy care, baby health care. Here’s a checklist.

Can I afford a baby?

As you prepare for the birth of baby, there are many things you need to plan ahead - maternity leave, post-pregnancy care, baby health care. Here’s a checklist.When the biological clock is ticking and you are quite convinced this is the right time for baby-making, take stock of your income, expenditure, investments and lifestyle too. Here’s a checklist to ensure you are on the right track – financially!

Friday, 1 December 2017

Dealing with Infertility

Having trouble conceiving? Find out everything you need to know about fertility problems, including testing for fertility, common causes of infertility in men and women, fertility treatments,advice on coping with infertilityInfertility Among Womenovercoming depression and more. Infertility can be an extremely painful experience – especially for women. It’s an experience they never expected to go through, and many are often left feeling inadequate as women. As motherhood is primarily a female instinct, the inability to bear a child affects the woman’s identity itself.
While infertility can be difficult for men too, it’s often more so for women. And women tend to feel more stressed about infertility.They worry more about it – and it’s usually never far from their thoughts.

Natural and Alternative Birthing Methods

Bringing a baby into this world is one of the most natural and instinctive acts that a woman’s body is programmed to do. Though childbirth is the most fantastic adventure a mother can have, with all the pressures of the modern world, it’s a challenge for women to develop confidence, trust their intuition and allow their maternal instincts to take over.

All About Labour-giving birth

As you prepare for child birth and delivery, know all about giving birth, the signs and symptoms of labourtips to manage labour pain, alternative and natural birthing methods, what to expect during a c-section surgery,and a quick guide to cervical dilation and epidurals.

Bathing your baby

Bath times with baby can be fun, though most new mothers are terrified at the thought of bathing a soapy, squirming infant. Most newborns do not like to be bathed and may howl from start to finish. But as they grow, most babies start looking forward to splashing in the water.
Remember not to bathe your baby right after a feed, or when she is too tired or hungry. And, make sure the room is warm before you begin.

Is Baby Powder Safe?

Baby powder is a great way to keep your baby smelling sweet and fresh. But it’s better to avoid that extra dab on baby’s soft, gentle skin. Sometimes, the chemicals in the powder, no matter how mild, may just not agree with your baby’s delicate skin and result in irritation and allergic reactions.
So the next time around when you reach out for baby powder, do steer clear of those with a strong fragrance (the aroma is nothing but extra fragrance which could cause irritation to your baby’s vulnerable skin). It is also important to avoid powders that contain talc. Inhaling the small particles in the talc could be harmful for your baby.

Adoption- The best decision ever

Adoption in India has always been a sensitive issue. Childless couples who want to adopt have a tough time convincing their families. In fact, my friend, Puja – who could not conceive due to various reasons – had to face the wrath of her parents when she broke the news about her (and her partner’s) decision to adopt. Totally contentious to the idea, they even refused to speak to her and cut connections for a couple of years. Nevertheless, the pig-headedness in her didn’t deter Puja. She went ahead and adopted a baby girl.
But not all of them can be as bold as Puja. She was also fortunate that her husband was like-minded and stood by her in every step of the way. So that was one huge consolation.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Recipes For Mom-to-Be

Making healthy choices can get tough when you're pregnant.Especially it's the time when you're cravings are weird. But then all the comprises you make now will help in the long run.All that you eat,ultimately benefits your baby,So don't ever cringe on those health foods.Choose from ourwide platter of wholesome,nutritious and delicious recipes. You'll simply love them!

Lunch Box Ideas

Battling with a fussy eater?Here's a solution to put an end to those endless battles.Take your pick from our simple, healthy and fun recipes that are guaranteed to leave your fussy eater smacking for more.

Grandmom's Home Remedies For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when you need to take extra special care of your health and well-being. It is also the time when a lot of changes are happening in your body which may result in uneasiness and discomfort.Tried and tested home remedies from grandma's kitchen are the safest way to treat these conditions. Here are a few.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Twin pregnancy signs and its expectations

Am I pregnant with twin? Find out some of the common twin pregnancy signs Expecting twins or more,Pregnancyand early symptoms. While having twins may mean double the joy, multiple pregnancies come their own share of risks and complications. The best way to be prepared is to be well informed and understand the various problems and challenges that a twin/multiple pregnancy could confront you.

Yummy Snacks

Whether you're looking for a party snack, a crispy to munch or some quick light bites to perk up your day, you'll find them all here. Treat your taste buds to some delicious, all-weather recipes from our 'yummy snacks' section. You'll love making them - and of course, eating them too!

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Raising your Baby,Happy mom,teaching children value of money,managing money smartly

Smart tips to manage your finances prudently while giving your children the best. Be it baby clothing, nutrition for baby, healthy food for kids.

Choosing Baby's Doctor

Before you can settle down with a doctor for your baby, it will be beneficial to you if you can make a little investigation about the physician’s background and reputation. In most cases, your gynaecologist may suggest a child specialist, but there is no compulsion that you must continue with him. Talk to friends, neighbours and relatives. They may be resourceful in recommending a good doctor too. But whatever decision you take, make sure, you’re comfortable with the doctor you choose.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Pre-term labour

Identifying pre-term labor early can help prolong pregnancy. What are some of the causes of pre-term labor? What are the signs and symptoms of pre-term labor? The risks of an early delivery? How to care for a premature baby? Read about it all.

Pregnancy Week By Week

It's fascinating to learn how your baby develops from a tiny mass of cells into a full grown bonnie baby. Even though you won’t be able to see – or feel – your baby’s growth, there’s a lot happening inside the womb with developments happening rapidly. Find out all the exciting milestones - like baby’s first kick, it movements, heartbeat, when the hair and nails begin to grow, when baby starts to blink and many such interesting facts – in our pregnancy week-by-week guide. Also find out how baby’s growth is changing your body – and how to cope with it. 

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Pacifiers And Oral Health – How To Protect Your Baby?

Pacifiers can come in handy when you want to soothe a cranky baby. But, at the same time many parents worry about its long-term effects on baby’s dental structure and oral health. While prolonged usage of pacifiers can cause tooth decay and misalignment of baby’s teeth, problems occur only when they’re used incorrectly.
Positives of a Pacifier
· It goes without saying that pacifiers are great comforters. To calm a crying baby, pop in a pacifier.
· Research also shows that pacifiers decrease the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Experts say that babies who suck pacifiers don’t sleep peacefully, so they’re less susceptible to SIDS.
· Pacifiers are a better option than thumb sucking. It’s easier to wean a child from a pacifier than breaking the thumb-sucking habit. Excessive thumb-sucking can also lead to problems in teeth development.
What harm can pacifiers do to the teeth?
· Pacifiers can ruin baby’s dental structure and alignment with prolonged usage.
· Parents are often responsible for passing on bacteria to the baby. Incorrect usage and improper pacifier care can cause tooth decay.
· Dipping the pacifier in sugar syrup or honey, can also lead to tooth decay
· Prolonged use of pacifier can result in crooked teeth, gap in between the upper and lower teeth causing bite problems, and protruding upper teeth.

Breast Feeding Problems and Challenges

Breastfeeding is something that could take a few weeks to get used to. Though it’s a natural, process, it could throw up a lot of unexpected challenges before you. But the more confidently you handle it, the sooner you will settle down to a comfortable ‘understanding’ that works out for both you and your baby.

Here are some Common Problems that Most Mothers tend to Face During Breastfeeding.
A Very Demanding Baby 

 There could actually be an underlying reason for this problem, which in most cases goes unnoticed for a long time. When the baby is not positioned properly, there is insufficient supply of milk, and that’s why, the baby’s hunger demands may seem never be satisfied. Sometimes, continuous feeding could also mean that your baby simply enjoys it and finds it very comforting. It could also happen if the baby is trying to increase the supply of milk. If this activity is a change from his normal feeding pattern, then it may get back to normal in a day or two. Make sure that you position baby properly and let him feed on demand.

 Bleeding/ Sore / Cracked Nipples
This is again a result of bad positioning. When your baby is not placed properly, it tends to suck your nipple and not the breast. if this is the case, dislodge the baby, by inserting your finger gently into his mouth to break the contact. Then, reposition your breast so that the breast, and not just the nipple is inside his mouth. Try different positions. Express milk and rub it on the nipples – this will help it heal. Use the less sore side to feed.

14 Easy Home Made Food recipes

When I was contemplating on introducing solids to my baby, I was in a bit of a dilemma. Should I resort to processed food or give baby home-made food? When I consulted with my other mommy friends, I discovered most of them had chosen the convenient option of ready-made formula food. So, after getting a green signal from my baby’s paediatrician I too followed suit.
But within a few weeks, I realized that my baby wasn’t too excited about it. In fact, after a couple of weeks, she had started to reject it. Every time I tried to feed her, she turned her head away. Well, I don’t blame her. How could you expect her to eat something so insipid and plasticky when there was a world of flavours out there?
4-6 Months
When your baby is between 4-6 months, stick to soft foods in puree form. It makes it easy for the baby to swallow and digest.

1. Banana Puree 

Bananas are rich in potassium and fibre. They’re one of the best first foods for babies – easy and very gentle on the stomach. However, be careful not to overfeed, as it could cause constipation

Recipe for Banana Puree
· Peel one small banana and mash it in a food processor
· To dilute the consistency, could add a little milk.

2. Brown Rice Porridge This is one of the most common first foods as it is light, easily digestible and safe for babies. To make feeding easier, you could make it as a thin consistency.
Recipe for  Brown Rice Porridge
· Dry grind a tbsp of brown rice
· Mix the rice with half cup of water in a cooking vessel.
· Cover it until it boils and reduce the heat
· Cook it for another 20 with cover
· If you want thinner consistency, add more water
· Add a pinch of salt and ghee for taste

3. Carrot Puree

Carrots are wonder foods loaded with vitamin A and antioxidant betacarotene.
How to make Carrot Puree
· De-skin and dice a small carrot
· Cook it well in about ½ cup of water with cover
· Allow it to cool and puree it the blender

4. Peas Puree

Peas are a high source of protein. It’s packed with vitamins A and C, iron and calcium too. To make sure that the skin doesn’t get in the way of eating, strain the puree to get a smooth consistency.
  • Wash and cook a handful of shelled peas
  • Cool the peas and blend it to a smooth consistency in a blender
 5. Apple Puree
Apples are naturally sweet and there is a good chance that your baby will love it! They make for ideal first fruits as they are easy to digest.
How to make Apple Puree
· Halve a medium sized apple.
· Cut the core and deseed it before cooking it in a saucepan
· Steam in pressure cooker – for 6-7 minutes
· Cool and blend into a smooth puree

6. Avocado Puree 

Avocado is a perfect first food for baby. Its buttery texture makes it a great weaning food. Avocado contains omega-3 which is good for the baby’s brain development 

Recipe for  Avocado Puree

· Take a ripe avocado, cut into half and remove the seed.
· Scoop out the flesh and transfer it into a bowl.
· Mash thoroughly with a fork or spoon or puree it in a blender.
· Add sugar and mix well.
· To dilute the consistency, add some water

Monday, 9 October 2017

Wholesome And Melt In Mouth Paneer Bhurji Wrap

All of us at home are great fans of paneer. Any dish I prepare with paneer gets wiped out in a jiffy (saving me the trouble of storing and carrying it over for our next meal). My younger daughter is such a die-hard fan of paneer, that she could have it for all her meals, gleefully!  In fact, on the days I make paneer, her hunger pangs are advanced by an hour – in anticipation of the dish that is waiting to be attacked.
Off late I have started making paneer at home. Initially it did seem a bit cumbersome and messy. But I realized that once you get the hang of it, it’s no big deal. It did take me a couple of futile attempts to perfect the art of getting a firm chunky block. But that didn’t stop me from trying. So what if you if you’re unable to make chunky paneer? Crumbly paneer is equally good and can tickle your taste buds with so many delightful options.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes is a condition that develops only during pregnancy when the sugar levels are very high and the body isn’t able to produce enough insulin to break it down. It is a temporary condition and women get over the diabetes after giving birth. However, if you’ve had gestational diabetes, you’re a higher risk of developing it again during subsequent pregnancies, and also later in life.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gestational Diabetes?

Normally gestational diabetes doesn’t show any symptoms. Some of the early symptoms include fatigue, frequent urination, blurred vision and an unexplained weight loss.
Gestational diabetes usually develops in the second trimester and gets detected only during a glucose screening test. This routine preliminary test is done between 24 and 28 week and ff this turns out positive, a follow up test – Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) is done to re-confirm gestational diabetes.

Investing for the Future

Like all ambitious parents, you want to give your baby the very best – right from the time she is born well into the future. But what most first-time parents do not realize is the financial obligation that comes attached with it. Beyond the diapers, baby cot, strollers and car seat, there will be other unforeseen expenses – like day care, private lessons, escalating school and college tuition fees – which can put a huge dent in your budget. Which is why, it is imperative to save for your child’s future. And if you’re a responsible parent, you would start well in advance and have your financial plan in place.


What Is The Right Time?

Starting early gives you an edge and it’s simple to see why. Your investment not only gets that much more time to grow, but you’ll also realize that with accumulating interest, your returns will also be substantial. And of course, it ensures you realize your long-term financial goals with no short falls in your targeted amounts. So don’t wait for your baby to grow into a toddler or get into pre-school. Get started early to maximize your returns.
Where to invest? Thankfully there are a plethora of investment options available today – and you have a wide range to choose from. But since your objective is to build wealth, it is important to choose an investment that has the potential to grow and give you good returns. But before that, it is essential to martial your financials so that you could factor in the time period where your money would be locked.

Watch Your Weight, What is the ideal weight for conception?, How can you lose weight?

If you thought that your weight had nothing to do with increasing your fertility, then you’ve got it all wrong. Apart from being a health risk, obesity has been known to increase the risk of infertility. Excess body fat can lead to the overproduction of hormones that disrupt ovulation and lower your chances of getting pregnant.
Not only does obesity hamper fertility, but it also affects the fetus. Being overweight can lead to several complications during pregnancy – including increased risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, need for induction of labour, Caesarean birth and stillbirth. It has also been documented that babies born to overweight or severely overweight mothers have increased risk of childhood obesity and long term health problems.

So if you’re on the higher side of the scale and planning to get pregnant soon, it’s about time you consider cutting down those extra kilos and commit to a regular exercise routine besides following healthy eating habits. Losing even a few kilos can make a big difference. And if you didn’t know, even your spouse’s weight can ruin your chances of getting pregnant.
 Not only does obesity hamper fertility, but it also affects the fetus. Being overweight can lead to several complications during pregnancy – including increased risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, need for induction of labour, Caesarean birth and stillbirth. It has also been documented that babies born to overweight or severely overweight mothers have increased risk of childhood obesity and long term health problems.
So if you’re on the higher side of the scale and planning to get pregnant soon, it’s about time you consider cutting down those extra kilos and commit to a regular exercise routine besides following healthy eating habits. Losing even a few kilos can make a big difference. And if you didn’t know, even your spouse’s weight can ruin your chances of getting pregnant.